PANTALONE. Pantalon, Pantalone, en italien, est un personnage type de la commedia dell'arte portant une culotte longue. He is usually the father to one or more of the innamorati. Bien que lâhabit du personnage soit originairement collant et rouge, le mot pantalon désigne actuellement toutes sortes de culottes longues. Pantalone is deathly afraid of losing his money which, in turn, would cause him to lose his place in society. Although his intentions are dark, he is one of the most comedic characters when the aristocrats are present. To learn more about Commedia dellâArte, see Pierre Louis ⦠Commedia dell'Arte featured stock characters, some of whom wore distinctive masks. Pantalone, spelled Pantaloon in English, is one of the most important principal characters found in commedia dell'arte. Stock Characters Click on the class or stock character below to see a character analysis compiled from years of research and performance. With his exceptional greed and status at the top of the social order, Pantalone is "money" in the commedia world. He always has servants working for him. Pantalone, because he is rich and miserly, holds the highest social status in the commedia hierarchy. Pantalone is een personage uit de Italiaanse theatertraditie commedia dell'arte.. Hij is een sluwe, oude, decadente, rijke koopman die uit is op geldgewin of het versieren van knappe vrouwen, maar wordt gedwarsboomd door zijn dochter en knecht. He wants to make money, and appear as rich and powerful. Commedia dell'Arte is a type of comedy developed in 16th and 17th century Italy, characterized by improvised text based on plot outlines (scenarios). Mask work and movement are key in Commedia dellâarte, an Italian comedy tradition that was popular in the Renaissance period. It differed from commedia erudita which were comedies with written, rather than improvised, dialogue from the same period. - Maschera italiana, uno dei "vecchi" della Commedia dell'arte (l'altro è il Dottore, v.), i quali vecchi ricordano quelli della commedia erudita del Rinascimento, a loro volta derivati dai senes della commedia latina. He has spent a lifetime saving all his money, and he doesn't want to spend it. He is a greedy merchant who loves to argue about money and property and often referred to as Pantalone di bisogno - of the needy. Pantalone is a money-grubbing business man, now old and retired, and apt to fall absurdly in love with young women. COSTUME. PANTALONE Pantalone is a vecchi. This specific Pantalone comes from classically trained mask maker Alan G. Newman. His full name, including family ⦠Several stock characters of the genre are referred to by name. Although old, he considers himself young and attractive to the ladies. The story "Puss-in-Boots" in Angela Carter's The Bloody Chamber is essentially a commedia dell'arte play in prose form, with the titular cat helping his owner get in bed with Pantalone's young beautiful wife.
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